Thursday, April 5, 2012

Term 3 IP housing

world history 2 project
This is a picture of what we did on Photoshop in history class about the holocaust and how kids were treated by the Nazis. this picture represents legacy because the kids would usually go to school but then the Nazis might have messed it up for them so now they might not even be able to attend school so that could have messed up there legacy.

This is a picture of me because for my English IP we had to write a poem called "I am, I remember, and memories of". I feel like the poem has something to do with legacy because it talks about my family and about how I started and then how I changed.
Jane Goodall and stuffed monkey

This is a picture of Jane Goodall and her stuffed monkey that was giving to her when she was a little girl and she has always carried it almost every where with her.she shows legacy because that monkey kind of made her what she is today. I chose to do a biography on her life and how she lived with the chimpanzees for a certain amount of time. I did a movie type of project about her for biology class.
Yes this is a picture of the Cleveland show because in my French class we did a PowerPoint about family. I think that it has something to do with legacy because with family there is always something being passed on weather its good or bad.

In math class we did a PowerPoint about child development. i feel like this project didn't really have anything to do with legacy. I feel like math really doesn't have anything to do with legacy in any type of way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I think communication is when two or more people who have a convocation. Communication could be used in many different ways. Most people use it with messaging, texting, face to face and online. In order for communication to work the other person has to be present. Most people have an convocation by themselves when they have nobody to talk to. Another way communication works is when people talk in school when the teacher asks the student a question or when the student ask the teacher a question and they talk about the work.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


What are genetics? Genetics are the study of how traits are inherited through the interactions of genes. There are Phenotype, Genotype, Dominant allele, Recessive allele and X-Linked trait. A phenotype is the expression of a genotype in the appearance or function of an organism; the observed trait. A genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism. A dominant allele is a trait that is visible in a heterozygous organism. A recessive allele is a term used to describe an allele or trait that is masked by a dominant allele or trait. an X-linked trait is a trait that is on the X-chromosomes and there is one X-chromosome for the male and two for the females. If a male has something on there X-chromosome then they have what ever it is they can never be a carrier, but females can be carriers and affected because they have two X-chromosomes. Phenotype and genotype are different because one you can see the persons features. So like if two parents were to have blue hair then you look at there kids and you see blue hair that is a phenotype.

Monday, October 24, 2011

cell membrane

The cell membrane it holds and protects the cells. The cell membrane also is an control substances that come into and out of the cells. The cell membranes nickname is "Gate of the cell". It has that nickname because it is protecting the inside and outside of the cells just like a gate lets certain things in a building and certain things out.

Friday, October 21, 2011

what are cells?

There are 3 different cells and they are for plants, animals, and humans. Cells are like legos blocks because they are basic units of all living things. You can't look at cells with your eyes you have to look through a microscope. All cells are not the same they have there own structure. We never run out of cells because we get new ones from the existing cells. When we grow because our cells are making more and more and more cells.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Body Systems Keep us Alive

  • The digestive system helps keep us alive because it helps break down the foods and drinks and get all the molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body.
  • The urinary system helps keep us alive because it helps with the lungs, skin, and intestines-all of which also excrete wastes-to keep the chemicals and water in your body balanced.
  • The respiratory system is important because it takes in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which keeps us alive. The respiratory system gets oxygen from the air so that cells can change food into energy. We need energy for our bodies and then we can stay active.